It's almost that time again. We are on a count down, 17 days until school starts. This is a big year for me. My Brycie-Boy is going into kindergarten, and My-Randa is starting 6th grade. Junior High! Kindergarten I can deal with, I have done it before. Now 6th grade on the other hand, I am freaking out.
This year means boys, boys, boys. I am not in denial, I have 3 teenage niece so I have seen it. My sister called me to say she caught her 14 year old sucking face with a boy yesterday. Now what do you do with that? I also remember when I was in the 6th grade. Let's call him Josh, and boy oh boy was he my world! Kids are growing up entirely too fast today. Have you seen the HBO documentary middle school confessions? In this documentary, the little girls are talking about how cool oral sex is, this scares the living hell out of me. Josh and I only held hands, and rode our bikes to the park with all of our other friends.
Let me tell you, after watching this documentary I don't think I want My-Randa going to the park with a boy. Like all parents do, (at least I hope they do) I have had THE talk with her. She just says MOOOOM. I even got her a book about what her hormones are going through right now. I hear how her and her friends talk about Edward Cullen*. Oh he is sooooo cute, I want him to be my boyfriend, blah, blah, blah. Yes, I know, he is a fictional character, but that just shows she does have an interest in boys.
She was taken with this boy in her Taekwondo class, she would just giggle and smile and ogle the entire time we were there. Until she did something to embarrassed herself, so she no longer wants to go back. Her dad, her grandma, me, and her instructor all tried to get her to go back to class, but she has not been in 2 weeks. Boys are not the only thing I worry about with her getting older, but we will leave the rest for another day.
If you have any advice for me, please let me know. I need all the help I can get with this milestone. On the other hand, if you have the same fear let's compare notes.
*Edward Cullen~ Photo above. For those of you without little girls, Edward if from the Twilight book and movie series. I am not going to lie, even at my age, I have read the books. Twice. Don't judge me, unless you read them for yourself. If you already have, yeah go ahead and judge away.