Friday, August 7, 2009

6th grade....Not sure how I feel about that!


It's almost that time again. We are on a count down, 17 days until school starts. This is a big year for me. My Brycie-Boy is going into kindergarten, and My-Randa is starting 6th grade. Junior High! Kindergarten I can deal with, I have done it before. Now 6th grade on the other hand, I am freaking out.

This year means boys, boys, boys. I am not in denial, I have 3 teenage niece so I have seen it. My sister called me to say she caught her 14 year old sucking face with a boy yesterday. Now what do you do with that? I also remember when I was in the 6th grade. Let's call him Josh, and boy oh boy was he my world! Kids are growing up entirely too fast today. Have you seen the HBO documentary middle school confessions? In this documentary, the little girls are talking about how cool oral sex is, this scares the living hell out of me. Josh and I only held hands, and rode our bikes to the park with all of our other friends.

Let me tell you, after watching this documentary I don't think I want My-Randa going to the park with a boy. Like all parents do, (at least I hope they do) I have had THE talk with her. She just says MOOOOM. I even got her a book about what her hormones are going through right now. I hear how her and her friends talk about Edward Cullen*. Oh he is sooooo cute, I want him to be my boyfriend, blah, blah, blah. Yes, I know, he is a fictional character, but that just shows she does have an interest in boys.

She was taken with this boy in her Taekwondo class, she would just giggle and smile and ogle the entire time we were there. Until she did something to embarrassed herself, so she no longer wants to go back. Her dad, her grandma, me, and her instructor all tried to get her to go back to class, but she has not been in 2 weeks. Boys are not the only thing I worry about with her getting older, but we will leave the rest for another day.

If you have any advice for me, please let me know. I need all the help I can get with this milestone. On the other hand, if you have the same fear let's compare notes.

*Edward Cullen~ Photo above. For those of you without little girls, Edward if from the Twilight book and movie series. I am not going to lie, even at my age, I have read the books. Twice. Don't judge me, unless you read them for yourself. If you already have, yeah go ahead and judge away.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

If only I could say... I won the lotto!

Last night was Texas Lotto night, and everyone has the dream to win it, including me. I am just going to have to keep on dreaming since they don't carry luck in the stores I shop at. Why do we even play? Is it just to throw our money away? I have a plan for that money, and I am not a selfish person. With this economy, everyone seems to be down on their luck. Although what's down for Dick might seem like a good life for Harry.

Now, on to my plan. Depending on how much I were to win, I would buy as many 1200 square foot homes as I could. Then I would get the word out that I am looking for families who are truly down on their luck. I would select as many families as home I have and let them live there for one year rent free, in order to get on their feet. Now when that year is over, I will charge a fair amount for rent. I bet you are thinking , well that's not very helpful, and you would be wrong. :)

I will let these families live in my homes for as long as they would like, all the while they will not know that I have a bank account that I am putting their rent into, for them. I will take care of all the homes upkeep and taxes out of my pocket. When the time comes that they are ready to buy their own home, I will say surprise, here is all the money you have ever paid to me. I want you to have it, use it any way you please. Although I would rather they use it for a down payment on a home, but hey, it's not my money.

This is just one of the things I would do for others. I have so many plans for that money, if I were to ever win. My momma always said, treat others as you want to be treated. I feel that I am genuinely a good person.... most of the time, and I believe in Karma. I also believe that I must have been a horrid person in my past life. Oh well such is life right? I will just keep dreaming. Give me your heart felt story of what you would do at

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

911 what's your emergency?

Today my 5 year old son Bryce took my cell phone to his room without me noticing and called 911. I would have never even known that this happened, but being the strangely honest kid that he is he told me. He tells on himself for everything he does wrong.

Bryce: Momma if I throw up just call 911 OK.

Momma: No, Bryce we only call 911 when someone is very, very hurt.

Bryce: But Momma I just called them.

Momma: Why would you do that? We only call them when we have an emergency.

Bryce: But I didn't talk to them, I hung up when he said 911 what's your emergency?

So this went on for about 5 minutes with me telling him why you can't just call them for fun. I can only hope that he understands this now. The thing that surprises me is that they did not call us back after he hung up on them. What if it was an emergency? I remember when I was a teenager going to my Uncle's house and my baby cousin called 911 from the home phone and a few moments later the police were at the door. They wanted to come in and look around to make sure everything was tip top.

I did have to call 911 when my Brycie-Boy was about a year old. Somehow he got one of those dishwashing tabs that had the powder and the liquid in one, and he ate it. There I was crying that my son had been poisoned. The ambulance comes to our house while the entire neighborhood stood watch in the street. The medics basically laughed at me for overreacting. They said he will be just fine, since he already vomited all over the place. Husband was not home for that one either so thankfully he threw up outside so all I had to do was wash the porch off with the water hose. Oh, good times.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My first blog post!

Hi all and welcome to my first blog post. First of all let me say that I am not a writer. I am sure that I improperly use punctuation. Go ahead and judge me, I don't mind. I have decided to start a blog as a type of therapy for myself. Life In The Dryer will be about the things that make me happy or the things things that frustrate me. So a bit about me.... my name is Mandy, I have two entertaining children(Brycie-Boy is 5 and My-Randa is 11), a 100 pound dog (Bear) that poops when he get scared(and sadly it happens often), a little tiny shit of a dog (Coco) who thinks she is 100 pounds, and a smartass for a husband(me + smartass = love). With these five in my life I will always have a good story to tell. So lets get started!

A few days ago my daughter and I were the only ones home. The dogs needed to go outside so as normal I let them out the back door and then when I go to let them in My-Randa opens the front door for reasons unknown to me. Well low and behold Coco thinks I gotta get out front so I can go see who I can attack bails out the front door. So I scream oh no My-Randa go get her, at the same time I am shutting and locking the back door. We both run out the front to catch Coco and when we head back home the front door is "GASP" locked. Oh crap what do we do now? I go around to every window pull the screens off and try as I might to pry the damn things open to no avail. Bear hears me at all the windows and is crying because he is scared and does not know who is trying to get in the house to eat him or something. He is such a wuss but I still love him like he was a kid. So here stands My-Randa, Coco, and me on the porch in our pjs and no shoes.

All because we are so lucky my son had spent the night with Grandma who was at this point pulling in the driveway to drop him off. Yay for my Mom she gives us a ride to hubbys job(who by the way thinks this is the funniest shit ever) with dog and all to get a house key. An hour and a half after getting locked out I feel relief fall over me to be back in my nice cozy home and out of this damn heat. But OH NO OH NO.....BEAR! What have you done?!? In his fear induced state he can not hold his bowels. My living room rug is COVERED in 100 pound dog crap. Now normally this is hubbys job to clean it up when it happens, and it does happen about once a month but hubby is at work. So time for the gas mask and rubber gloves because I gotta clean it. I have a very week stomach and so does My-Randa so I make her go to her room while I clean because I don't want to have to clean up after she gets sick. But in the process I run to the bathroom and vomit. Like I said week stomach. I finally make it back to finish scrubbing the rug and get it all clean, yay me. That was a good two hours out of my day wasted and even though at the time I was fuming now I just think it was funny.